Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The dish!!

Baked barbecue ribs.
Almond rice cooked in the rice cooker.
Steam green beans with extra virgin olive oil and garlic salt.
My Cucu's plate...........no that she ate it all, but the rest of us did.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Ooh! Yum-o!! Would you like to come over and cook dinner for my family tonight? I'll clean your couch! :)

This is going to sound crazy but seriously, I use Pledge Dust & Allergen Spray on my leather. Every Monday, after I vacuum the furniture, I take a cloth and use the Pledge spray. It works great, leaves he leather looking healthy and smells fabulous! The one thing I notice during summer and the warmer weather is how DIRTY the leather gets. My kids aren't wearing socks and have shorts on so much more of their skin is in contact with the leather which means dirt and oil from their skin. I know, gross, but true! During the winter my leather is much easier to clean. Try to be consistent with cleaning it and I think it will look great!

I feel honored that you asked me BEFORE Martha! :)