Thursday, April 30, 2009

The dish!!

Cod fish, garlic salt and pepper.
mustard panco crust.
i served it with a baked sweet potato and steam broccoli. 

The dish!!

Saute' fresh local scallops with herbs and lime juice.
Organic cherry tomatoes marinated in lime juice, basil and extra virgin olive oil.
Steam organic green beans.
White rice.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Cucu!

beautiful view of the shore.
This two fotos crack me up!
She recently started to pose in goofy ways for pictures, we thing is hilarious.
She call her self a super model....

The dish!!

Organic cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and lettuce with a reduction of balsamic vinegar and olive oil salad.
cheese bread and spinach ravioli with grated parmesan.

Happy Easter!

Here are 7 of the 13 grandkids that make Nana and Papa so happy!
It was so cold that mourning.....
The food was fantastic!
Everybody was so happy to get together and have a great time.